[成果]孫士韋老師論文獲Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation期刊(SCI, impact factor 1.122)接受 « 國立臺北藝術大學藝術與科技中心
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[成果]孫士韋老師論文獲Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation期刊(SCI, impact factor 1.122)接受


超通訊視覺實驗室孫士韋老師與中央研究院資訊科技創新研究中心王鈺強老師, 資訊科學研究所廖弘源老師, 及宜蘭大學資工系黃于飛老師合作, 論文名稱: “Moving Foreground Object Detection via Robust SIFT Trajectories Corresponding”, 獲Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation期刊接受, 該期刊為視覺通訊與影像呈現SCI國際期刊, 刊出論文必須具備嶄新技術與數學理論基礎.
S.W. Sun, Y.C. F. Wang, F. Huang, H.Y. M. Liao, “Moving Foreground Object Detection via Robust SIFT Trajectories Corresponding”, to appear in Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (SCI, impact factor 1.122), 2013



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