《名畫大發現 – 清明上河圖 Explore – Along the River During the Ch'ing-ming Festival》2005
國立臺北藝術大學FBI Lab.
FBI Lab., Taipei National University of the Arts
Xiaoniu Su-Chu Hsu•Hsiu-Hui Chen•Chang-Tse Wu•Ying-Chung Chen
Yu-Hsiung Huang•Zhong-Chen Chen•Chih-Wei Tsai•Tzuen- Hung Tsai
BiBi Lin•Ya-Lun Tao
Interactive Image Installation
《一百萬個心跳 One Million Heartbeats》2006
國立臺北藝術大學 FBI Lab.
FBI Lab., Taipei National University of the Arts
Xiaoniu Su-Chu Hsu•Jin-Yao Lin•Carven Chen
Ying-Chung Chen•Jiun-Shian Lin•Shih-Chang Lin
Meng-Chieh Yu•Keng-Hau Chang•Geng-Hwa Chang
Interactive WSN Net Art
《LLSP Laser – Lamps – Sound Performance》2006
Chung-Han Yao
Multiple Media
《eBar – 靈幻跳影 Painting Bar》2007
國立臺北藝術大學FBI Lab.
計畫主持人 : 許素珠
FBI Lab., Taipei National University of the Arts
Director : Xiaoniu Su-Chu Hsu
Multiple Media and Interactive Installation
《eBar – 須彌芥子 Macrocosm in the Microcosm》2007
國立臺北藝術大學FBI Lab.
FBI Lab., Taipei National University of the Arts
Xiaoniu Su-Chu Hsu•Jiun-Shian Lin•Yu-Siung Huang•Yi-Wei Chia
Multiple Media and Interactive Installation
In “The Inconceivable Liberation” of the Vimalakirti Sutra, it is written that “Mount Sumeru contains a mustard seed; a mustard seed contains Mount Sumeru.”The life that is on Mount Sumeru is also contained in the tiny mustard seed. Intuitively, the receptacle on the table represents a small, limited amount of space. Moving images of numerous organisms are projected onto objects that can physically be contained within this receptacle. These overtly digitized video images represent the infinite life present in the Mount Sumeru that is the cups and saucers.
《境非心外‧心非境中 – iFog 創意空間 iFog – Creative space》2008
陶亞倫 • 王福瑞
Ya-Lun Tao • Fu-Jui Wang
BULKY Animation Studio
Innovation Application and Technonogy Delelopment of Digital Life Project
Director : Xiaoniu Su-Chu Hsu
Interactive Installatio
《梵谷眼中 In Van Gogh's Eyes》2008
Keh-Nan Liao
Mixed Media
While photographing night sky atop the Taipei 101, the artist noticed that the composition of the photograph was reminiscent of that in Vincent Willem van Gogh’s masterpiece, The Starry Night. Here, the photograph is projected onto canvas. When viewers wave their hands across the projection, computerized applications will create swirling effects that mimic Van Gogh’s brush strokes.
《光面漫游 Surfing on the Ray of Light》2009
Chin-Wei Chuang
Interactive Installation
《流自慢 Ⅱ Flowing Pride Ⅱ》2009
Chih-Chien Chen
Video Installation Art
藝術家的前一個作品《流自慢》將城市漂流之意象透過時間切片的方式,以同心圓之紋理拼貼影像時間,陳述一段恍惚的時空觀感。而《流自慢 Ⅱ》將概念推向更單純的時間觀看,再現一段城市裡被忽略的時間,一處荒廢的天台景色,纏繞於天線的帆布所經歷之時間消磨。
In his previous work Flowing Pride, the artist uses the drifting images of the city by cutting up the images filmed over a period of time and pasting them together in the form of concentric circles, in order to convey a confused sense of time and space.
In Flowing Pride II, he develops an even purer form of the contemplation of time, representing a fragment of neglected time in the city. The work features an abandoned rooftop, showing the passage of time while a piece of canvas is entangled in an antenna.
《舞動綻放 Twist to Bloom》2009
Center for Art and Technology, Taipei National University of the Arts
Interactive installation
This project draws on the T’ai Chi movements. Incorporating three types of sensors for pressure, heartbeats and acceleration in motions, the computer is then able to interpret and visualize the slow and sustained flow of movements in the hand and waist, typical of T’ai Chi. Developed in collaboration with sports equipment suppliers, this intelligent device will be a guide for correct and effective exercise and physiotherapy.
《萬有引力的下午 L'Après-Midi de la Gravité》2010
Center for art and Technology, Taipei National University of the Arts
Artistic Director : Jun-Jieh Wang
High-tech Theatre
《聲點 Sound Dot》2010
Fu-Jui Wang
Sound Installation
The work Sound Dot features several hundred loudspeakers. Through computer calculation, each speaker produces a different audio frequency, so that the space seems to reverberate with the sounds of hundreds of channels. Through several hundred dot-like speakers, numerous high-speed sound dots fly around, taking viewers to a transcendental state of flowing consciousness.
《暴風中心 Storm Center》
Shih-Bang Wang
Mixed Media
《再生運動 Regeneration Movement》2011
Lien-Cheng Wang
Mixed Media Installation
《築霧 Fog Building》2011
Shuai-Cheng Pu
Mixed Media
作品構想主要來自藝術家所居住的城市,把周遭生活環境的影像轉換成向量動畫,並將之投影在水霧上面,用線條、點和影像重新定義充滿霧的空間。現下流行的3D 電影是利用兩眼視差構成立體幻象的原理,《築霧》則是轉換 2D 動畫,創造裸視 3D 並且可觸摸的實像,打破現實與虛幻的界線。
The concept for this work came from the city where the artist lives. The surrounding environment has been converted into vector animation, and projected on to misty water vapor. The artist redefine the mist-filled space using lines, points and images. The 3D movies currently in vogue create the illusion of three dimensionality using principles of parallel vision, whereas this work uses two dimensional animation to create a tangible third dimension that can be perceived by the naked eye, breaking the boundaries between reality and imagination.
《語林 In the Talking Forest》2012
Wei-Hao Tseng
Sound Installation
In this work, the artist wants to convey his vision of a kind of interactive sound landscape. In an environment, every conversation, every sound has its own special frequency. In interpersonal dialogues or in interactions between humans and their environment, these distinctive frequencies of sound pass through us. Therefore, the artist wanted to create something that allowed the human body to perceive this penetrating sound via an audio-visual experience. The black areas in the work are from some conversations and frequency plots Wei-hao TSENG captured from recordings of the natural environment. When these patterns were turned over to stand vertically, the artist felt that they strongly resembled trees. Therefore, he wanted to use this visual form to create a type of interactive sound with a tactile interface that would allow the audience to experience what it is like to be penetrated by sound. It would be just like going into a forest made out of the sounds of speech.
Shu-Yu Lin
Kinetic Installation
The pursue and development of technological as well as digital art work was unconsciously being restricted, or consciously not being restricted. These kinds of art works struggled between the above mentioned situations and tried to achieve balance within. We get accustomed to the explorations of new medium and new technology through repeated usage, but we could also get lost easily. The creation of a work includes life context, universal value, environment and atmosphere of a society. Those vague but crucial influences could be aware of, chosen or even refused, received and imitated passively, hence deriving a kind of restriction, as if ritual.
《印象城市_臺北 Imprint of City_Taipei》2018
Yen-Tzu Chang
Mixed Media
Imprinted words on rocks have always been one of the many ways to retain memories in ancient times. Rock bears the responsibility to record, and the task to deliver messages. The artist attempts to transform urban sounds into storages of maps and tactual sensations. She collected and remixed sounds from different areas in Taipei, documented recording venues and “sketched” urban soundscapes through traces of realistic sounds. When viewer touches the texture of the rocks, sceneries of sound constructed by auditory sense will be revealed through invisible streets and paths, triggered by the viewer’s touch. In Imprint of City, the rock is not only a symbol of documenting sound, but also an interface for viewers in search and listen to sound composition.