


| 為確保您觀賞品質及安全,請遵守下列注意事項,謝謝您的合作。

  • 主空間展出作品有部分裸露畫面,僅提供十二歲以上觀眾觀賞。
  • 展間較為幽暗,請於安全動線內小心移動步伐。
  • 本作品偶有強烈閃光、巨大聲響與鐳射光束,請依個人身心狀況斟酌是否適合觀賞。
  • 請勿直視鐳射光束、勿觸碰機械軌道及展區內裝置物件,避免造成身體不適或作品損壞。
  • 請於播放前5分鐘持號碼牌入場。演出總長十五分鐘,開始演出不得入場,若非特殊原因,請勿任意離場。結束後,請依工作人員指示出場。
  • 演出開始後,為免影響他人觀看,請勿拍照與攝影。


Taipei Fine Arts Museum


| To ensure your safety and enjoyment while visiting the exhibition, please comply with the following:

  • The presentation is restricted to 12 years and older.
  • The venue is dimly lit. Please stay within guidelines and walk carefully.
  • Please be aware that strobe lights, loud noise, and laser beams are used in the presentation. Visitors are urged to consider medical conditions before entering the venue.
  • Please do not look directly into laser beams or touch machinery, tracks or any objects that are part of the installation to avoid personal injury or damage to the artwork.
  • Please enter the venue with your number 5 minutes before the presentation is scheduled to start. The duration of each presentation is 15 minutes. Late comers will not be admitted. Do not leave the venue during the presentation, unless in case of emergency. Exit the venue after the presentation as indicated by museum staff.
  • Photography and recording are not allowed in the venue during the presentation.