關於未來聲響 About TranSonic 2012
由國立臺北藝術大學藝術與科技中心負責策劃,邀請跨國創作團隊,以聲音創作表演形式為主體,超越聲響的界限,結合聲音、影像、互動控制、器樂與裝置等多媒材跨界聲音藝術表演,以更深入更細緻的創新實驗,突破前衛聲音美學的極限。三場極限演出由不同創作風格的藝術家擔綱,有享譽國際知名聲音藝術家後藤英(日)、Kangding Ray(德)、eRikm(法)、dj sniff(日),臺灣最具指標性聲音藝術家王福瑞,以及臺灣最耀眼的新生代聲音藝術家張永達、王仲堃、王新仁。打開耳朵或摀上耳朵,探索你感官最幽微的潛意識。
Live Sound Art Performance Annual Event
The Center for Art and Technology of Taipei National University of the Arts has invited an international team to produce a sound performance that transcends sound itself. Combining elements of audio, video, interactive technology, instruments, and other devices, this multimedia interdisciplinary sound performance elevates avant-garde sound aesthetics to new heights through an even more in-depth and refined approach to innovation and experimentation.
Three extreme performances are presented by artists each featuring distinct artistic styles. These include internationally renowned sound artists, Suguru Goto (Japan) , Kangding Ray (Germany), eRikm (France), and dj sniff (Japan); Taiwan’s most representative sound artist, Fujui Wang; as well as a few up and coming young sound artists in Taiwan: Yung-Ta Chang, Chung-Kun Wang, and Aluan Wang. Even with your ears covered, this show will take you on a journey through your senses to explore the innermost depths of your subconscious.
表演藝術家 Artists
10/19 (Fri.) 19:30
王新仁 Aluan Wang (臺灣 Taiwan)
Dynamized Center 2.0
王新仁的主要專長為多媒體動畫及平面設計,2010年起積極投入OpenLab Taipei的自由軟體推廣活動,他曾於國立臺灣美術館、臺北當代藝術館及臺北數位藝術中心擔任Puredata的推廣講師。除了參與工作坊等活動,他也協助劇團與舞團設計互動影像,並參與失聲祭、Sound Bit等聲音藝術現場表演。
An expert in programmatic computations, Aluan Wang transforms colors and shapes into sounds whose frequencies and amplitudes influence the formation of images as it integrates audio and visual effects.
dj sniff(日本 Japan)
Vinyl Reconstructions
dj sniff(水田拓郎Takuro Mizuta Lippit)是日本即興實驗黑膠聲音藝術家,善於使用黑膠播放機、自製的電子設備與電腦程式,搭配唱盤和DJ混音器演出,重建與敘述出聲音、音樂、科技與記憶,其創作風格反映出Hip-Hop與即興爵士對他的影響,透過獨特樂器來作為聲音創作的實踐。水田拓郎在東京攻讀藝術史與哲學時,以DJ的身分活躍於地下電子音樂圈,並成立「Smash TV Production」團體,舉辦混音表演如「anti-Gravity」和「bistro-Smash!」。2005年進入荷蘭STEIM(Studio for Electro-Instrumental Music, Amsterdam)研發實驗室。2007年開始擔任STEIM的藝術總監,指導該機構的創新發表,負責其世界巡迴的表演與講座,同時也是電子音樂的表演策展人與音樂科技的研究員。
dj sniff excels at using homemade electronic equipments and computer programs alongside turntables and DJ mixers to reconstruct a narrative of sound, music, technology, and memory.
Kangding Ray(德國 Germany)
Kangding Ray目前在德國柏林定居與創作。在開始創作電子音樂前,曾經擔任樂團的吉他手及鼓手,因而受到噪音搖滾及爵士的影響。其作品呈現廣泛多元的音樂背景深度,並具有融合節拍與藝術情境為慢板樂章的特殊方式。其表演方式結合實體的樂器與機械,創造出微妙且富有節奏的組曲,並整合噪音、重低音、人聲、現場錄音與電子音樂,處於實驗音樂與Club文化的交替邊緣。
The work by Kangding Ray presents a wide range of musical depth, integrated noise, bass, vocals, live recordings, and electronic music, creating a subtle yet rhythmic music suite.
10/20 (Sat.) 14:30
王仲堃 Chung-Kun Wang (臺灣 Taiwan)
聲音的事故 / Incident of Sounds
Chung-Kun Wang uses mechanical music instruments to imbue new meaning to the ordinary sounds of daily life. Wang’s custom-made lamps interact with the mechanical instruments to create sketches of light and shadow that eventually engulf the entire soundstage and unify the visual and audio experience.
王福瑞 Fujui Wang (臺灣 Taiwan)
Throbbing Transmission
Fujui Wang uses high frequency carrier waves, randomly synthesized noise, and the rushing sound of ocean waves to fill the space with fluctuating sound waves, demonstrating the ultimate frequencies of directive loudspeaker systems.
eRikm(法國 France)
eRikm is a well-known disc jockey. Using dual turntables, he conducts an ongoing evolution of the life essence of sound, as if it were a living organism.
10/21 (Sun.) 14:30
張永達 Yung-Ta Chang (臺灣 Taiwan)
Yong-Ta Chang recreates subtle variations, easily ignored phenomena, and sounds of daily life into forms of audio and visual clues that are presented within a space.
後藤英 Suguru Goto (日本 Japan)
Suguru Goto combines interactive devices to develop an interface that enables communication with computers through movements of the human body. Using virtual instruments to control sounds and images in real-time, his performance features a very experimental and avant-garde style.